Eco-Friendly Practices to Embrace Sustainability

Eco-Friendly Practices to Embrace Sustainability

Embracing Eco-Conscious Habits

Bring Sustainability Into Your Personal and Professional Life

Sustainability is an important core value of mine in my personal life and I try to bring these practices into my business as well. And with the world’s growing concerns about the climate and waste, the sustainability movement is growing as well. Here are some eco-friendly practices that can be used to embrace sustainability.

Eco-Consciousness in Your Personal Life

Embracing sustainability in your daily life can be intimidating, but it is less daunting if you take small steps. There are ways to make small differences in your lifestyle that can make a big impact, and plus make your life a little easier.

Recycling Unwanted Clothes

If you are someone who takes advantage of spring cleaning to get your life back together, then you probably have realized that you have an abundance of clothing or other items that you know longer need. That’s where donation and recycling comes in. 

While it’s the typical reaction to donate clothes to a local charity shop, unfortunately these clothes are still likely to end up in a landfill instead of a new home. That’s not to say you should never donate clothes to thrift stores again, but consider alternate options when you are donating large amounts of clothes.

For example, there are textile recycling companies that will take your old clothes and recycle them into a new material that can have a completely second life. Some of these companies include Freecycle, Retold Recycling, and Helpsy.

There are also “Buy Nothing” Facebook groups where you can trade your unwanted items with members of your local community.

Buying Sustainable Clothing

So let’s say you went a little overboard on donating your old clothes, but then you realize you actually donated too much of your closet. The next step you can take in your personal sustainable journey is purchasing from sustainable clothing companies rather than fast fashion brands.

Sustainable clothing brands are typically more expensive than your standard clothing brand, but the trade-off is ethically made and sourced high quality clothing. However, there are also sustainable clothing companies out there that are more affordable than others.

Eco-Consciousness in Your Business

Being eco-friendly with your business considers a little more thought than sustainability in your personal life. If you are labeling yourself as a sustainable business, you want to try your best to actually follow through with eco-friendly practices. In today’s eco-conscious world, businesses are increasingly expected to not only deliver quality products but also do so in a manner that minimizes environmental impact. 

Consumers who are serious about their sustainability will look into your practices, and many would be disappointed to find out if you are not practicing sustainable practices especially if you are labeled as one.

Researching Suppliers and Source Materials

One first step towards becoming an environmentally-friendly business is taking note of where your business’s supplies come from and how they are made. 

As a sustainable business, you should prioritize working with environmentally responsible suppliers and use local source materials to reduce your carbon footprint. This includes packaging, which is often overlooked as a significant contributor to waste. Changing how you package your products presents a prime opportunity for businesses to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability. Collaborate with suppliers, manufacturers, and packaging experts to explore innovative solutions for eco-friendly packaging. Stay updated on emerging technologies and materials that offer improved sustainability without compromising functionality or aesthetics.

Speaking of aesthetics, companies and graphic designers can and should collaborate to create more eco-friendly packaging designs. Here are some ideas on how to achieve this: 

  • Material Selection: Choosing the right materials is crucial in designing sustainable packaging. Opt for biodegradable, recyclable, or compostable materials whenever possible. Materials such as recycled paper, cardboard, bioplastics, and compostable polymers can significantly reduce the environmental footprint of packaging. Knowing the materials that will be used during the printing process will also help the designer in planning out a design that will translate well on the final product. 
  • Minimalism and Efficiency: Embrace minimalist designs that prioritize functionality and efficiency. Streamlining packaging not only reduces material usage but also lowers shipping costs and carbon emissions associated with transportation. Designers should focus on creating packaging that uses the least amount of material while still effectively protecting the product.
  • Biodegradable Inks and Finishes: Traditional printing inks and finishes often contain harmful chemicals that can be detrimental to the environment. Switching to biodegradable or soy-based inks and eco-friendly finishes reduces the ecological impact of printing processes while maintaining high-quality results. While this may not be an option with every printing company, it is still worth asking and looking into. 
  • Incorporating Reusability: Encourage reusability by designing packaging that can serve a secondary purpose or be easily repurposed by consumers. Whether it’s a sturdy cardboard box that can be transformed into storage or a glass jar that can be reused for storage or as a decorative item, incorporating reusability adds value to the packaging and reduces waste.
  • Emphasizing Education: Educate consumers about the eco-friendly aspects of your packaging design. Clearly communicate the materials used, recycling instructions, and any eco-friendly certifications or labels. Empowering consumers with information helps them make more informed and sustainable choices.
Photo by Toa Hetiba on Unsplash

A great example of sustainable packaging. Photo by Toa Hetiba on Unsplash

Reduce Water and Energy Use

Even small businesses can use an overabundance of water and energy. Here are some ways you can conserve your water and energy use as a business in your brick-and-mortar location:

  • Fix any water leaks you encounter in your business
  • Install water-efficient taps
  • Switch off your business’ heating/cooling after hours
  • Replace incandescent bulbs with LED bulbs
  • Regularly clean and replace air filters

Final Thoughts

The sustainability movement is becoming a big deal to many consumers and businesses, and there are a number of ways to integrate eco-friendly practices in your own life, both in and out of the office. It can be overwhelming knowing where to begin, but start small with one change at a time. Even the smallest changes can make an impact if we are all making an effort. 


Have you outgrown your brand or need to take it to a new level? Schedule a strategy call to see how I may be able to support you through the process. 

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Branding Tips:

Creating an Authentic Brand

In a world packed with businesses vying for attention, standing out in a crowded market can be a daunting challenge. As a brand and web designer, I understand the importance of crafting a distinctive identity that not only captures attention but also resonates with your target audience. Today we’re going to explore the key elements that can help your business rise above the competition and highlight how we are uniquely positioned to guide you on this journey.


Define Your Unique Value Proposition:

Every successful business has a unique value proposition that sets it apart from the rest. Start by identifying what makes your brand special – whether it’s a unique product feature, exceptional service, or a compelling brand story. Your unique value proposition should resonate with your target audience and communicate why they should choose your business over others.

Through in-depth consultations and market analysis, we excel at uncovering the core values that make your business unique. We collaborate with you to communicate a compelling value proposition that forms the foundation of your brand identity.


Authentic Storytelling:

Consumers are drawn to authentic stories that evoke emotions and create a connection. Share the story behind your brand – the challenges you’ve overcome, the passion that drives you, and the values that define your business. Authenticity builds trust, and a trustworthy brand stands out in the crowded marketplace.

We can help you craft a compelling narrative that resonates with your audience. From developing a brand story to creating engaging content, our agency ensures that your authenticity shines through every touchpoint.


Consistent Branding Across Platforms:

Consistency is key to building a strong brand presence. Ensure that your visual elements – logo, colors, and typography – are consistent across all platforms, from your website to social media and beyond. A cohesive brand image builds recognition and reinforces your unique identity.

With a keen eye for design and a commitment to consistency, we provide comprehensive branding solutions. From logo design to brand guidelines, we ensure that your brand maintains a consistent and visually appealing presence across various channels.


Embrace Innovation:

Innovation keeps your brand relevant and positions you as a leader in your industry. Stay ahead of the curve by embracing new technologies, trends, and creative approaches. Be open to adapting your strategies to meet the evolving needs of your audience.



In the competitive landscape of business, standing out is not just a goal – it’s a necessity. By defining your unique value proposition, embracing authenticity, maintaining consistency, and embracing innovation, your business can carve a distinctive niche in the market. We are dedicated to guiding you through this journey, offering expert insights and creative solutions to ensure your brand not only stands out but also thrives in the crowded marketplace. Let’s embark on this transformative journey together and unveil the true potential of your brand.


Have you outgrown your brand or need to take it to a new level? Schedule a strategy call to see how I may be able to support you through the process. 

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The True Cost of Free Work:

Navigating Boundaries for Small Business Owners and Creatives

In the dynamic landscape of entrepreneurship, the temptation for small business owners to seek free services is understandable. Equally, for creatives, the prospect of providing free work for exposure or portfolio building can be appealing. However, it is essential for both parties to recognize the true cost of free work and establish clear boundaries when working for free. Today, we’re going to shed light on the implications of free services, emphasizing the need for small business owners and creatives to set limits and expectations for a sustainable partnership.

The Hidden Costs for Small Business Owners:


Quality and Commitment:

Free work may not guarantee the same level of commitment and quality as a paid engagement. Designers and brand strategists may prioritize paying clients, leaving free projects with less attention and dedication.

Perceived Value:

Accepting free work can inadvertently contribute to a perception of lower value for services. If small business owners consistently opt for free offerings, they may struggle to establish fair and sustainable pricing expectations when seeking professional services in the future.

Long-term Sustainability:

While free work might seem like a cost-effective solution in the short term, it may not be sustainable for the growth and success of the business. Small business owners should consider the long-term impact on their brand and the quality of creative collaborations.

Setting Limits for Small Business Owners:


Clearly Define Scope:

Before engaging in a free project, small business owners should clearly define the scope of work. Establish specific deliverables, timelines, and expectations to prevent scope creep and ensure a manageable commitment.

Communicate Expectations:

Open communication is vital. Discuss and agree upon expectations, including the level of effort, revisions, and the final goal of the project. This ensures that both parties are aligned and sets the foundation for a positive working relationship.

Value Exposure Strategically:

If seeking free work for exposure, small business owners should be strategic in their approach. Choose projects that align with the brand and target audience, ensuring that the exposure gained contributes meaningfully to the business’s growth and future opportunities.


The true cost of free work extends beyond immediate financial considerations, impacting both small business owners and creatives. By understanding the hidden costs, such as potential compromises in quality and long-term sustainability, small business owners can make informed decisions about engaging in free collaborations. Establishing clear limits and expectations is crucial for fostering a positive and mutually beneficial partnership, ensuring that both parties receive value from the collaboration while contributing to the overall elevation of their respective industries.

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Behind the Brand: JC Design & Media

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JC Design & Media:

The Brand Story

After four years in business, I realized my visuals needed an upgrade in order to align more with the style of work I do. As time went on after my first refresh in 2020, I felt a disconnect from my own story and my company mark. 

It’s important to me that the brands I create are as unique as possible to the companies owning them; that their story is embedded within the visuals and message. I noticed my own company story was not protrayed as much as I would like it to be, which led to a deep dive into the ways my business has evolved.

While the origami bird was relevant to my brand story, it did not feel unique enough to what we do.

The meaning behind my logo always paid homage to my parents, who always believed in me and encouraged me to follow my talents. The crane and Japanese elements honors my mother, who is half Japanese, and JC is a nod to my father, who always called me JC. But, it was time to take my mark one step further and make it even more unique to me. Thus, the dancing crane came to be.

I knew the crane had to stay, but now it is in the shape of a J and was inspired by cranes dancing in the water. This symbolizes good luck, longevity, beauty, perseverance, and happiness. Organic elements surround the crane to represent sustainability as well as the holistic approach we take with branding and design. The inclusion of ferns was done so specifically because of their dreamy appearance, not to mention they indicate a timeless wisdom, sincerity and magic. Finally, the sun embodies a burst of creativity while drawing a focal point to the contents of the icon.

The Company Mark


I knew the crane had to stay, but now it is in the shape of a J and was inspired by cranes dancing in the water. This symbolizes good luck, longevity, beauty, perseverance, and happiness. Organic elements surround the crane to represent sustainability as well as the holistic approach we take with branding and design. The inclusion of ferns was done so specifically because of their dreamy appearance, not to mention they indicate a timeless wisdom, sincerity and magic. Finally, the sun embodies a burst of creativity while drawing a focal point to the contents of the icon.


The Colors


The colors chosen for the JCDM identity convey certain emotions and have an underlying meaning to the brand. The use of warm, earthy tones is not only used to show the brand’s approachable demeanor, but it also honors my Japanese roots. Additionally, the d ynamic jewel tones provide a sense of distinction.

The palette remains the same as before, as these were still relevant in our brand story. However, tints (the addition of white to a color) were incorporated so that we could have more flexibility in our design system. 


Font Pairing


The font families were also updated to align with the updated visuals. A combination of a serif and sans serif help show a nice contrast in copy, but I wanted the brand to still be approachable and not too regal. My serif is charming, inspired by magazine adverts and has a touch of whimsical appeal. My sans serif is sleek and legible, making it great for body copy while being timeless as well. 

My process involves combining form and function, and I used this on my own rebrand. The results are something that I am more connected to, provide more versatility, and have been designed to expand with me as I grow this humble dream of mine.

Sometimes your rebrand is only related to your visuals. Other times, it’s because your target has changed or evolved. While I have enhanced my service offerings, my focus for the studio remains the same — working with impact-driven business. But now, my logo tells more of a story than it did before.

This business has taken care of my husband and I through medical school and a pandemic as well as through three different moves. It has seen me through burnout, has fueled my creativity, and has introduced me to some amazing people. I look forward to seeing what’s next for JCD&M, and I hope you’ll follow along with me on this next phase in my journey.

Have you outgrown your brand or need to take it to a new level? Schedule a strategy call to see how I may be able to support you through the process. 

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Branding Tips:

When to Use (and Ignore) Graphic Design Trends

          In the dynamic world of branding, staying relevant and engaging with your audience is crucial. It’s always tempting to jump on the latest trends to grab attention and create a modern image. However, while trends can be beneficial, they should be considered with care and integrated thoughtfully into your brand identity.

The Double Edged Sword

            On one hand, trends offer brands the potential to captivate a broader audience by tapping into what’s currently popular. On the other hand, leaning too heavily on trends can lead to a brand identity that comes across as inauthentic and insincere when that trend inevitably runs its course. Finding the right balance between the two is key.

Knowing Your Brand Inside & Out

            Before you even begin the process of incorporating a trend to your brand, it’s essential to have a real understanding of your brand’s identity, target audience, and values. Your brand and its voice should be clear, consistent, and has messaging that resonates with your core audience. Knowing this will help you navigate which trend is your brand’s friend or foe.

Understanding Your Brand

            You want to think of trends as tools rather than the basis of your brand identity. When a trend aligns with your brand’s values and speaks to your audience, it can be used effectively to enhance your brand’s relevance. For example, if your brand puts a lot of focus on being environmentally friendly and the trend you’re following is sustainability, incorporating eco-friendly elements into your brand and messaging makes perfect sense.

When to Use Trends

            Trends don’t last long- and successful brands know when to ride the wave or when to step back and let it pass. Avoid chasing every trend to just to ‘stay relevant’. Instead, put your energy into focusing on trends that will have a lasting impact or align with your brand’s long-term vision.


Staying True to Your Brand

            Your brand’s voice is its identity. Even if the trend is right for you- don’t lose your voice and allow the trend to overshadow it. Adjust the trend to fit your brand’s voice- not the other way around. This will ensure your audience will continue to recognize and connect with you.

Striking the Right Balance

            In 2023, social media is often the first touchpoint between your brand and your audience. It’s where trends flourish and quickly grab the attention of the viewer. Although trendy designs on social media can be an effective tool to engage with your followers, it’s important to use them wisely. While these trends can make sense for social media, it’s best to stick to your own branding rather than trying to force it. Of course, having a brand manager on board can help with navigating this.

The Role of a Brand Manager

A brand manager is your guide through the ever-changing landscape of branding, ensuring that your brand remains consistent and recognizable, while also strategically incorporating relevant trends when appropriate. A great example would be if your company specializes in high-end or luxury products, adopting the neon colors, smiley faces, and squiggly lines that the current ’90s revival trend may bring isn’t the right choice. It’s essential to maintain a sense of sophistication, elegance, and refinement in your design elements. A brand manager will help you navigate the line between your brand’s identity and keeping up with what’s trending now.


            In the world of branding and business, trends can certainly be a valuable asset when used correctly. However, they should never replace your brand’s identity, voice, and values. When considering if you should incorporate a trend, ask yourself if it will enrich your connection with your audience or hinder it. Remember, the overall goal is not to be trendy for trendy’s sake- but to create a brand that stands the test of time, while staying relevant in a constantly-changing world.

If you are having difficulty finding that line between your brand’s identity and staying trendy- a seasoned brand manager may be the answer. We offer professional brand management services and is well-versed in the art of creating a harmonious balance between your brand’s voice and current trends. Contact us to learn more about how our brand management services can benefit your business.

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